Heger table saw machine PHS7500NT
Made for professionals: Perfect usability for all refractory and industrial applications with highest precision sawing results.

Heger Power Pack with 7,5 kW - Your advantages:
- 7,5 kW motor power
- Sturdy motor protection coverup
- Low maintenance and reliable drive
- Including fan belt control peephole
- Motor and waterpump with separated start
- Powerful 400 V water pump
- Optimum saw blade diameter Ø 600 mm
- Effective sawing depth 250 mm
- Standard wear resistant tilting table up to 45°
- Tilting table including perforated wear protection cover

Further details:
- Precise, stable and adjustable positioning stop
- Handle with operater’s hand protection
- Adjustable saw blade handle
- Ready for wet or dry application
- Including dust extraction funnel
- Including lateral protection metal sheets
- Fast saw blade changing
- Precise water distribution system
- Optimum transportation fixture
- Practical transport securance
Please ask for our offer.

Technical information
- Wet or dry table sawing machine
- Motor power 7,5 kW / 400 V / 16,6 A
- Max. saw blade diameter Ø 600 mm / 24“
- Sawing depth 250 mm / 10“
- Min. saw blade diameter Ø 500 mm / 20“
- Sawing depth 200 mm / 8“
- Sawing length 600 mm / 24“
- Tilting table 0° - 45°
- Table size (length x width) 700 x 600 mm / 27“ x 24“
- Weight 554 kg / 1220 lbs
- Machine size (length x width x height) 1.610 x 815 x 1.730 mm / 64” x 32” x 68”